Be Sustainably Kind - The Blog
This blog talks about everything from how to live more sustainably to helping environmental e-commerce brands with email marketing.
Is convenience more important than the planet?
Every action makes a choice between connivence and the planet. How many resources you might use vs how much time something might take.
Ocean pollution and how it got there?
Have you ever thought about what happens to items that end up in the ocean? Or how all that pollution got there? Well, the scary fact is that 80% of ocean pollution comes from the land due to human activity.
Part 2 : The Consumer Perception of Plastic
Understanding that products and industries are created to sell, we as consumers have to be aware of claims put out by those industries. Part 2 of plastics talks about the marketing behind plastic leading to a false positive consumer perception of plastic.
Part 1 : The 7 types of plastics and can they be recycled?
Plastic can be a confusing product to understand if it is recyclable or safe to use. Part 1 easily explains the 7 different types of plastics, what they are commonly used for, and if you can recycle them.
The Reality of “Zero Waste”
Have you seen those claims that in order to live “zero waste” you must be able to fit your full year’s worth of trash into a mason jar? Does that sound attainable to you?
The Ultimate Guide to Palm Oil?
It is clear that palm oil has a direct negative environmental impacts from the current production process. Some of these effects are deforestation, air pollution and climate change.
One of the Most Common Mistakes Made on the Journey Towards Sustainability
In the attempt to be sustainable many people make this mistake that actually enlarges their carbon footprint.
Fast and Easy Way to Remove Labels From Glass Jars
With just 2 ingredients + water you can remove labels and glue from glass jars. This will be a fast way to remove labels and leave glass jars clean to reuse.
Top 5 Changes Towards a Zero Waste Lifestyle
These are 5 initial changes I recommend towards getting started on a zero waste, sustainable journey as they are low effort and high impact.