Fast and Easy Way to Remove Labels From Glass Jars

With Two Ingredients

Clean Labels on Jars

For years I had multiple jars with different labels in my cabinet. I wanted to save all the glass jars to reuse but let’s be honest, it looked terrible in the cabinets and drove me crazy. Can you relate? Well, I finally did the research and tried multiple ways to take off the labels and glue residue. After a few successful and failed attempts, here is the quickest, easiest and minimal ingredient way to do it!

Ingredients needed :

Baking Soda

How to Remove the Labels

1. Boil water in a tea kettle.

2. Carefully fill the jars with the water. Only fill the jar to the top of the label. Do not fill it to the top of the jar so that you can still handle the jar.

3. Let it sit for about 3 - 5 minutes

4. The hot water will activate the glue and you can begin peeling back the sticker. While the glass is still hot the labels should come off in one piece. This works for most labels. (Be careful as the glass will be hot. Use a towel to hold the top of the jar.)

4. Once the glass cools use a mixture of soap and baking soda to scrub off the remaining glue. The baking soda will help it come off easily. Some people use a mixture of olive oil and baking soda to scrub off the remaining glue but I have found soap makes it less greasy and cleans the glass at the same time but both options work great!

What can I use my clean glass jars for?

  • Store leftovers in

  • At bulk stores for dry food and in the pantry

  • Vase for flowers

  • Pencil holder

  • Cookie jar

How do I have so many glass jars?

Well, when making purchases at the grocery store I try to stay aware of what type of material I am purchasing. Many items come in either glass or plastic so when possible I choose the brand that sells in glass. For example, many condiments such as salsa, pesto, mustard, or barbecue come in either plastic containers or glass jars. These items are usually similar prices so I try to not let that distract me or I wait till it’s on sale.

Have you noticed a trend in your purchasing habits? If not, try and be aware of the type of materials you are purchasing. The products you pay for are a way for you to vote towards a sustainable business model. Companies take notices if customers prefer glass and will make the transition if that ensures a sale.

Why is it important to purchase glass over plastic?

Other than the idea of being able to reuse glass jars for leftover food or water cups, glass is a much easier material to recycle. Win-Win for you and the environment.

During the recycling process glass loses no quality meaning it can be recycled endlessly. Plastic on the other hand degrades in quality every time it is recycled. Therefore one piece of plastic can only be recycled about 2-3 times before its quality has degraded to a point where it can no longer be recycled into a new product.

Another unknown fact about recycling plastic is that only clean plastics can be recycled. Many people finish most of their yogurt or salsa and throw it in the recycle bin, but in fact, that contaminates the pile. You must first throw away the leftover food, and rinse out the plastic container. A hassle I know. Another reason to purchase glass which I find it easier to rinse out (because you can throw it in the dishwasher).

If you have other ways to clean your jars leave a comment so everyone can try it!

Photo credit : Michael Ouziel

Ariel Ouziel

Passionate about the education on sustainability so that humans and other ecosystems can live in harmony.


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