3 Do’s and Don’ts for a Sustainable Gender Reveal Party
We all love a reason to throw a party and recently finding out the sex of your baby has become one of those reasons. But it has also become an excuse to create excess waste.
Now I don’t want to deter you from celebrating. A baby coming into this world is a reason to celebrate but also a reason to preserve our planet. So instead of leaving trash all over the park after a pink confetti explosion lets find adorably fun ways to celebrate and still respect the planet.
Now some of you might not see the problem with confetti or balloons so let me break it down one by one and explain how these can be damaging to the planet. But I also want to give you solutions. So keep scrolling to see alternative options that will keep the party going all night.
Balloons :
Balloons are used for any and all party decorations but in gender reveals they are specifically used to pop. The balloon is filled with something that when popped explodes all over revealing blue or pink. But id you know that popped pieces of balloons don’t usually get cleaned up. Instead they can get mistaken for food by animals, possibly killing them.
“A report on the website of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), shows 1000’s of balloons pulled from waterways and the coast. ” Source
Now we all know balloons might not be the biggest polluter in the ocean but if it’s one thing we can eliminate fairly easy why not do it?
Let’s also not forget the funny videos where the balloon floats away before being popped leaving the soon to be parents and guests all questioning what the gender will be. Instead of turning into a meme, just stay away from balloons. And to take it a step further, replace balloon decorations for all party types.
Confetti Cannons :
Confetti…Where do I begin. It might be fun for the one second it takes to explode but then you just have a huge mess on your hands. It might be a mess that you never intended on cleaning up but that’s no the right attitude. And if you have that attitude, I don’t want to see the conditions of your house. Anyways lets get down to the environmental issues with confetti.
Most traditional confetti is made out of microplastics or mylar (especially if it has a shine to it). And the metallic looking confetti most likely has some sort of metal components in it as well. Confetti can harm animals who view it as food on the ground or when it gets washed down storm drains ending up in the ocean or other waterways.
If you really want confetti let’s get creative. Use flower petals in the designated color so it’s natural, beautiful and 100% bio-degradable. Want to see some natural confetti options? Take a look here.
Or get creative with paper hearts that have flower seeds inside which will bloom. If you go this rout make sure its in your own backyard and not a park so these flowers don’t overtake the current natural ecosystem. Check them out on Etsy.
Fireworks :
First of all this is extra. But I know a few people who might try this…So let’s put a stop to it right now. Your baby doesn’t need fireworks. These emit smoke and gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen which are all terrible for the atmosphere. Even if you are doing at home (smaller) fireworks they cause extreme air pollution. Which might not be great for the mom-to-be to breath in. FYI.
On a personal note I hate fireworks because it terrifies dogs. So if nothing else, think about the dog who you just gave anxiety to.
Alternatives that done leave behind waste
It’s time to be unique from all the other instagramable gender reveal parties. Not only will all your friends be jelous at your creative idea but you can feel good about your minimal litter.
Scratch off cards :
Make your own design or order a cute pre-designed option from Etsy. Either way this idea will be completly unique. Hand out a card to each guest and let them play their odds like the lottery. Pick a gender and get scratching only to reveal if you guessed correctly. All winners go home with a prize. (or if you are a minimalist like me…. they will go home with the pride of knowing they were right but no extra materials). Check out these cute bee options on Etsy.
Cake :
Go traditional with a cake or cupcakes. Then you add some food coloring to the center so when you cut into it, it reveals what gender you are having. I even saw a cute video where a family made a game out of cake pops. All of them were white on the inside and one had the appropriate color. Everyone took turns biting into a cake pop, one by one, until the gender was revealed. Duck Duck goose style.
Cocktails/ Mocktails :
Gender related cocktails/mocktails. Once the gender has been revealed, keep the paying going with some colorful cocktails to serve through the night. Some beautiful pink ideas or blue. This will add to festivities and decoration all while producing zero waste.
*Remember keep to make some without alcohol for the mommy to be.
As wildfires continue to devastate communities across the world, cities must rethink how they rebuild in the aftermath. Too often, urban and suburban areas replant landscapes with fast-growing, non-native plants that are highly flammable—contributing to the rapid spread of wildfires.